Hilltop Laundromat

2517 Alexandria Pike

Ft Thomas, KY 41075

2128 Monmouth Street

Newport, KY 41071


Have a Question or Suggestion?  

We love to hear feedback!

Send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Need a Refund?

Click below to fill out the online form.  

We will take a look at the issue, consider the refund, and get it out to you as soon as possible.  Refunds are sent via mail, Venmo/CashApp, or added to your Fascard loyalty card.

Inquiring about the $5 or $10 credit card charge?  You do not need to fill out this form.  The $5 or $10 charge is only a "temporary" hold/pre-authorization on your account from the  bank (just like they do at the gas station).  This will go away within 1-3 days of when you finish your laundry.  You will only be charged the total amount you spent.

Report a Machine Problem?

If you notice a problem with a machine, please click below to report the issue.  

We will get right to work on a repair!

Lost Laundry?  

Send us an email with a description of the items, which store, and time you think you left it.  We will get back to you as soon as possible.

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